The eight powers
The eight powers of the Aser or hidden powers of Hell, are the ones which contain the key to the understanding of the Bock saga and open the gate to the realisation of the paradise tree.
Since the last Ragnaruck happened in the year 1050 with the coming of they terrible inquisitions brought to Finland by pope Leo IX, the Aser had to move to Korvatuntuli, famous now days as the home of Santa and only three of the eight original powers were kept for the public knowledge.
The full story behind the eight powers became partially hidden already after the year 987 when the Sol Bocken or Lemminkäinen temple was closed, for to prevent its destruction by the hands of the church and its secrecy kept only in the family of the Bock that were made to sign a deal with the church which imposed the secrecy for the next 1000 years (Hel-vetia).
The only power people were allowed to keep on talking about where Frej Freja and Tor, only after the year 1250 with the return of the Bock in Odenma, the fourth power, Oden was revealed.
In the year 1984 with the death of the last Akka Rea Boxstrom, on the 24 in 7, Ior Bock son of Rea, revealed the fifth power Ra and shortly after is mothers funeral, begun to explain the saga.
Although Ior partially reveled the final 3 powers in his alphabet, he wanted them to be fully explained only after his passing.
It is in fact this 3 hidden powers, the ones which explain us that the Bock is indeed the all father, and that the story of a nanny goat being the mother of Frey and Freya was a diversive used to protect his family and allow his sBock Saga to continue and expand after his passing. (Hell, Bock, I.)
The eight powers in fact describe the primordial means and essential symbols designed to deliver us understanding through the logic they represent and by it, open the door to our shared Paradis et and they are as follows.
The first man.
The first woman.
Tor- Tur
The son of Ukko or the tour friend.
The sun or the ring land inhabited by the Aser.
The moon, sperm or water of life, also representing Ceppo, the first born of Bock.
The storehouse below the temple of the Sol Bocken Balder and of the ancestors, hill, light or entire.
The father of Frey and Freya and all father of mankind.
The sex and the key to understanding.
The alphabet
This is the Aser alphabet and the meaning of each letter.
W - Double v
Way or all the Vaner (those who lived outside of Odenmaa.
A- Aser
All those born in Oden.
B- Borg
The castle.
C- Shear ra
To share.
D- Di
F- Frö
The seed.
G- Grund
The ground.
H- Hell
The temple of Sol Bocken Balder or Lemminkäinen, light, Intact, all, or hill.
the sex
J- jarlar
the highest caste outside odenmaa or also to give.
K -karlar
the second highest caste outside odenmaa.
L- Lag
The law.
M- Mone
The moon.
N- nurt shernan
The polar star.
O- Oden
The ring land of the Aser or the everything.
P- Pole
The north pole.
Q- quadrat
The square or mathematics.
The sperm.
S- Sulen
The sun.
T- Tur
Tour or the heart friend.
The origins.
V- Vaner
All that lived outside of Odenma.
The ten tin tio or the ten brothers of Lemminkäinen and Ceppo.
Y- Yugdrasill
The tree of the Aser.
Z- Se ta
Take the ce or drink from Ceppo.
The fields.
The fluvial system.
The islands.
The Aser.
The Aser are divided in two groups the Piruet and the Ruset.
Piru-et the family of Ukko.
Rus-et the children of Lemminkäinen and the Nar and Rabi born from the Disa.
Here the Piruet
Per, Gubbe, Ukko or also known as Odin or Rexmundi he is the sage and represents the all father for all the people of the planet, he is the grand father of the children of Sol Bocken Balder.
Gumma or Akka Represents the all mother, also grand mother of the children of Sol Bocken Balder.
Sol Bocken Balder or Lemminkäinen The father of the new generation of the Aser which takes is fathers title when is thirteen son becomes 27.
Svan o Youtsen The wife of Bocken or Lemminkäinen which also takes the Gumma or Akka title when she becomes grand mother.
Mone Bocken Balder, Hers or Ceppo The first born of Sol Bocken Balder or Lemminkäinen.
Maja or Ilmatar The first female born of Sol Bocken Balder.
Ten tin tio The ten brothers of Sol Bocken Balder and of Mone Bocken Balder.
Sex ternor The six sisters of Maja.
The five casts
The Aser, Piruet and Ruset living inside Odenma while the Vaner, Jarl, Karl, and Trels living outside of Odenma.
Piru-et- the highest caste living in Odenma.
Rus-et- the second caste living in Odenma.
The Vaner
Jarl- the third caste and highest living outside Odenma.
Karl- the forth caste and second highest living outside Odenma.
Trel- the fifth caste living outside Odenma.
The system was so designed in the way that the woman of the lower caste had to procreate with a man of one caste higher and their children would become of the same caste of the mother, such system was kept in order to insure their respect toward the father and the continuation of the offering system for to assure the balance with nature.
The Bock temple
The Sol Bocken Balder temple also known as Lemminkainen temple is situated in Manala Odenma. in a place called Gumbo strand (Old road), the areas next to the temple it is called Kupeli vuori on the upper side of it and Akkanpesa on the see side.
According to the saga, the bock temple was the first home of Frey and Freya and it as since then being excavated by every new generation of Bock, downwards in a spiral form design.
The story wants so that every new generation of Bock had to dig a new room, which had to be filled with artefacts, miniatures, statuettes and statues made of gold, which were to resemble the figures of the Aser of the time.
So the estimate of the size of the temple according to Ior, are of a cone shape cave with the estimated depth of over 400 kilometres and with at the bottom a diameter of over 250.
The use of the temple
The use of the temple was so that of a store house, containing all the informations known to mankind, the temple was also used as a door to the underworld and to Valhalla.
Story wants so that when the all father and the all mother became so old and fable that they could no longer walk, they were brought to the temple for their final step in the next dimension.
While the Akka was made to stand on the Ettestuppa, and from it falling outside of it from were her body was then taken to the near Kupeliwuori to be cremated, the Ukko was brought inside the temple from which he was falling backwards.
Both Ukko and Akka were so then burned to ashes which were then being brought under their family tree, the Yugdrasil.
On the see side of the temple instead, stood the Akkanpesa, place which was used for the preparation to motherhood of all the Disa, in fact, while the Swan was made pregnant by the Bock in Valhalla, all others which had been chosen to be inseminated by the Bock, were sent to Akkanpesa to be prepared thru the so called honeymoon, ritual which was done during 30 days prior to the insemination, in which the Disas were drinking the seed of the Bock line, served to them by the Nars and the Tentintio, the ten middle brothers of Bock.
Such ritual was done to prepare the womb of the coming mother to be receptive for the procreation and the sex which was chosen for the coming child.
The story wants also that the area surrounding the temple was kept as holly grounds and that the bedrock was kept free from all vegetation as it was regularly swept by the so called witches, women which did not procreate children but instead part in the offering system for he coming child and kept the link with the mother nature by studying and practicing the all-man-akka (almanac) and cultivating the herbs and remedies as they took care of the mis-stories (mystery) while the man took care of the well evolving of the his-story (history).
So. by keeping the bedrock clean, the hills around all Akkanpesa were reflecting the color of the sun light, only after the polar shift and the melting of the ice, during the nights of full moon, the color of the bedrock was by reflecting the moon light becoming blue.
Although only the first few generations of people, had after their coming to existence lived inside of the storehouse, with the coming of the ice age, everyone was forced to return to live in it.
It was in fact, thanks to its existence that became possible for them to survive the ice age inside of it for the next 50 million years till, with the melting of the ice and the drift of the icebergs which with their enormous weight made roundish and smooth all the rocks around Odenmaa, they could com out of it.
It was then that they migrated to the island we now know as Gotland where they remained for the next eight thousands years.
They remained there till the ice completely melted, allowing them to return to Odenmaa and to reestablish them self In the land of their ancestors.
The festival
After the man which were chosen to become father preformed different games and sports in which they measured them self and gave a pleasant show of their abilities to the public, they had to stand on a pedestal, so that the women which were chosen to become the future mothers, could choose the man they wish to become inseminated by.
It was than up to the man to accept from the woman of his choice the gift of the fatherhood.
In this system the father would than share his life for the good of his own caste as well as for the one of his children and wife.
The children would also become taken care by the mothers brothers and sisters insuring that the family was always present in the life of everybody.
The Kar-ne val
The Karneval was similarly to the festival, done for the offering for the coming child and it was a ritual of offering preformed by the Trell and the Karl people for to be physically connected and close the loop with the Aser.
Clearly in such system, the lowest caste of man was not reproducing but in stead being part of the offering system for the coming child thru the Karl ne val, a special event in which the Trells was offering their seaman and mahla or sav for the Karl, which would then offer it to the Jarl which was then offering his jackpot to the Rabi which traveled then to Odenmaa to offer to the Rus-et which than brought it forward to the Piru-et for the procreation of the coming children and for the information system of the Aser.
The North star
According to the saga, during the paradise time, the orbit of the planet was different from the one which followed the polar shift, in fact, it describes how the sun was till then always shining above the old North pole, place in which the temple of Hell was, and that the shadow made by the North star which stood perpendicularly between the Sun and the planet was casting a ring around Odenmaa.
Such story wants in fact that everyone which lived on the planet then, was so of dark skin and only after the polar shift which took place fifty million years ago, those which were forced to survive underground, became pale.
Since the time of the first ragnruck which we call allt-land-is (all lands ice) the North star has anyway continued to serve by guiding the travelers as it always shows the true north.
The north star is so by always the symbol of knowledge and of the As-true-logic (astrology), known is also that till the time in which the meridian lines became re organised in the so called Greenwich system, the centre kept was the one of the temple as the meridian line was the one which started in the place called Helsinki where the As-Hell lived and went thru the island of Crete, dividing it in two for going on through Hawaii, and that such system went on thru all the Hell-As period and for the next thousands of years till it was changed.
According to the As-true-logic, every man has a star as all stars represent living beings and all of them are like different types of metals having a different magnetic influence on the soul of both the individuals and the collective, it is in fact like so that when the stars become aligned in a configuration similar to the one which was in place at the time of birth of each individual, that the energies become more favourable to those so naturally influenced by it.
It is so then that during the period denominated Allt-land-is, the As-true-logic became the mean to predict the future and became customary to assign a star at birth to every newcomer as it would then become that star, the mean used as a mirror to their soul and according to the saga used by everyone to telepathically connect to the distant family members and friends.
Thankyou. The image is interesting, do you have any information on that?